by hiimcaleb | Jan 27, 2014 | Collaboration, Design, Thesis
What does it mean to have an entrepreneurial economy and to have one here in Savannah no less? Furthermore, how do you define entrepreneurship, is it a personality type, archetype, or something more? Today I am here to talk a little bit about the evolving network and...
by hiimcaleb | Jan 27, 2014 | Design, Grad School, Thesis
I want to start out by saying that I have by no means been neglecting the world of thesis development; it’s just taken a while to get back into the thick of it and posting updates. A lot has happened since my last post from way back when. This post is intended to...
by hiimcaleb | May 22, 2013 | Grad School, Thesis
Stam’s article in Economic Geography marks an interesting exploration into the evolution of entrepreneurial ventures and their growth over time. For Stam, entrepreneurial ventures evolve through the following series of phases: start-up, initial survival, early...
by hiimcaleb | May 11, 2013 | Grad School, Planning
NAME CHANGER. Yes, I know, I changed my thesis title. But that’s the value of iteration. Nothing is perfect and everything evolves. I know that I’ve not taken the time to write a proper update and this time around it won’t really be much different....
by hiimcaleb | Apr 24, 2013 | Design, Grad School
[two_thirds] [/two_thirds] Running Lean by Ash Maurya is an interesting complement to the Lean series edited by Eric Ries. Maurya’s book acts as a process guide for iterative startups and entrepreneurship. Maurya, himself an entrepreneur and avid startup...
by hiimcaleb | Apr 22, 2013 | Grad School
[two_thirds] [/two_thirds] The Business Model Innovation Factory by Saul Kaplan is a high level introduction to the value of business model innovation. In this book, Kaplan offers an overview of what it takes to be a business model innovator within a company by...
by hiimcaleb | Apr 21, 2013 | Grad School, Planning
[two_thirds] [/two_thirds] Building a research method, the topic of today. For the past week I’ve been spending a lot of time lamenting on how I plan to tackle my research, especially that of the field persuasion. Do I want to solely do qualitative like an...
by hiimcaleb | Apr 15, 2013 | Grad School, Planning
[two_thirds] [/two_thirds] It’s high time for another little status update in the wonderful world of thesis research. This time I am focusing on building my literature map and identifying reading materials. Of course, every new book or article leads to another set...
by hiimcaleb | Apr 9, 2013 | Design, Grad School, Planning
[two_thirds] [/two_thirds] Greetings one and all, this will be the first of what I hope to be many posts and updates on my thesis. I would like to use this first post to introduce my topic, the area of interest, and the desired direction that I wish to...
by hiimcaleb | Feb 5, 2013 | Grad School, Planning
[two_thirds] [/two_thirds] A class spent discussing interview protocols and figuring out a research process.